when your mind lies to you (4)

Feb 22, 2022
film stories — guinobatan, albay | konica s1.6 | kodak ultramax400

when your mind lies to you (4)

I’m am still hungover from those teenage years. I’m on my 3rd year on my 20-something journey but not so deep down, I still feel like that 6th grader boy who can’t go on his own.

Maybe I just let time age me up and entirely forgot how to grow up.

Or maybe because I’m all too preoccupied looking at other people’s lives. It’s funny how I spent a lot of time observing people to remind myself of who I do not want to become that I forgot who I want to become.

Maybe our world around us is designed in a way to fuck up our brains in some ways. Or maybe…

Maybe I am all the things that are wrong with me.

konica s1.6 | kodak ultramax400

(arts ; 2022)


